Orchids in the genus Liparis are terrestrial, lithophytic, or epiphytic herbs, typically bearing one to a few leaves that range from linear to egg-shaped, either thin or leathery, and sometimes pleated. Their flowers, which vary from small to medium in size, are resupinate and arranged along a flowering stem with small bracts. Bloom colors are generally muted, appearing in shades of dull yellow, yellow-green, or purplish, often accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The sepals and petals curve downward, with the dorsal sepal remaining free while the lateral sepals may be partially fused. The petals, distinct from the sepals in both size and shape, remain separate. The labellum is usually larger than both the sepals and petals, often lobed with a toothed or wavy margin, and features one or two calli at its base. The pollinia consist of two pairs of waxy, oval structures, each attached to a viscidium.